Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń
Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń
Eco-friendly hotel

Eco-friendly hotel

Check-in 21 09 24
Check-out 22 09 24

Best Available Rate

12 of July 2024

Stop for a moment. We want to inspire you.  
We are pioneers of ecology in the Polish hotel industry - by choosing our hotel you are committing yourself to participate in this noble mission. Thank you. As a team, we are proud of our green initiatives:  

  • We have been heating the hotel and domestic water with heat pumps since we started.
  • We built a preheating system for domestic water based on hot gas technology.
  • We also use the heat generated by the chillers during chiller production to pre-heat domestic water.
  • We installed photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 900 kWp on the roof of the conference area (we previously had a solar installation there).
  • We take care to use energy efficiently by switching off lights and appliances when they are not needed.
  • In most public areas and back rooms, the lights are switched on by motion detectors or twilight sensors.
  • We have replaced the existing parking system (with reusable parking cards) - with a ticketless (number plate reading) system.
  • We have set up two double electric car chargers (22 kW) in the hotel car park.
  • We do not equip hotel rooms with tea and coffee making facilities - saving the environment tons of electro-waste. Instead, we offer our guests coffee and tea in common public areas.
  • We consistently equip the kitchen with the highest energy-efficiency appliances.

We have reduced our CO2 emissions by more than 76 tonnes in the last two years thanks to the photovoltaic installation. This is the equivalent of more than 2,280 trees planted. And this result is improving every day.
 Together with the TooGoodToGo app, we have in turn already saved more than 570 meals. That's another 1.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved.
And these are just the measures directly related to energy consumption. Do you know of another city hotel so focused on reducing its carbon footprint?
We strongly encourage you too to become actively involved in environmental protection.
Make informed choices. Be responsible. And take satisfaction in doing so.

 More about our daily involvement >>

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