Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń
Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń
Vacation City Break

Vacation City Break

Check-in 21 09 24
Check-out 22 09 24

Best Available Rate

28 of June 2024


It's become well established that the City Break offer is all about ‘quick sightseeing’. On Friday after work you get on the train, go to the airport, fly to your destination at night, in the morning you admittedly don't have the energy due to lack of sleep, but after all, you have to sightsee, so you run from attraction to attraction all day, sleeping short, because it's a waste of time to sleep,the next morning you run to see what you didn't see yesterday, go to the airport, fly to the country, fly home, and Monday at work.... no chance of productivity... What if you slowed down for a while?



A relaxing City Break is a trip with no rush. You choose a destination about 2h from home. For example, Toruń is located about 2h from Gdańsk, Warsaw, Poznań, Łódź or Olsztyn. You pack your bags on Thursday evening. On Friday after work you get on the train or in the car, when you arrive you park in the ticketless car park of the Hotel Bulwar****, check in and... you can already stroll around our UNESCO-listed Old Town on Friday. You start your Saturday with an unhurried breakfast on the viewing terrace of the Bulwar Restaurant, and if you feel like it after breakfast, you can enjoy your coffee while sitting comfortably on deckchairs and taking a sunbath.Then a walk along the boulevards by the Vistula River, ending with a calorie ration at one of Toruń's indigenous ice cream shops, e.g. Doppio (locations Pod Arkadami and next to the Ethnographic Museum) or Lenkiewicz (on the Old Town Square or in Małe Garbary).After such an energy boost, set off on an adventure with the sights. Gothic to the Touch'ic is Toruń's flagship slogan. Not without reason.

If you have taken advantage of the Saturday discount package, you are sure to stay in beautiful Toruń until at least Sunday. After you've tried to stand at the Leaning Tower with your arms outstretched and not fall over (did you manage it?;), you'll walk around the ruins of the Teutonic Castle, perhaps also take a look at one of our interesting museums (we recommend the holiday exhibition of comics in the Wozownia Gallery, the interactive Nicolaus Copernicus Museum, the Centre for Contemporary Art, the exhibition of Salvador Dali's prints in the Leaning Tower, and many others) can take a break in the shade of our Secret Garden (check it out, we may be holding a barbecue there today).

If you need more peace and quiet at the end of the day, enjoy the book corner in the hotel lobby or billiards at the Bulwar Club. We recommend craft beer from the Gniewkowo brewery or one of the excellent wines from our unique wine list. Anyway, not necessarily one thing, as we have a Le Verre de Vin vacuum sealing machine, so we can offer you around 30 fine wines by the glass.

If you have booked in advance at the Bulwar SPA, there is certainly still enough time to surrender to the magical hands of our therapists and enjoy a relaxing massage. How about the Sunday before you leave? Although the hotel day ends at 11.00 a.m., we extend it free of charge for guests using the treatments.As you can leave your car in our car park on Sunday as long as you like without a surcharge, we also encourage you to take a Sunday tour, ending, for example, with a delicious lunch in the Bulwar Restaurant.

Sound good? We are pleased to welcome you!


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