Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń
Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń


Check-in 21 09 24
Check-out 22 09 24

Best Available Rate

10 of May 2024

Live cooking is an interesting activity that will work well on many occasions.

When creating the concept of Bulwar Restaurant in Toruń almost 20 years ago, we decided to include the possibility of professional live cooking. We built the so-called open kitchen, clearly visible from practically every place in the restaurant, which is not only an element of the interior design of the restaurant, but also a convenient place to display the breakfast buffet, a variety of buffets for conference groups, and at the same time equipped with an ultra-modern lift (you will not find many of these in Poland to this day) allowing live cooking without the effect of smells penetrating into the restaurant hall.

When do we cook live? For every order!

More often than not, the Chef has the pleasure of cooking meals for you during a variety of events, usually more rather than less intimate, i.e. up to 100 people. Live cooking can be woven into a corporate evening, or it can add variety to a family celebration such as a wedding or birthday party. It can also become the highlight of a New Year's Eve ball, a carnival or a banquet to celebrate any good occasion.
Live Cooking is part of a larger whole. It generally complements a buffet or served dinner. The Chef proposes a menu depending on your needs, preferences and the theme of the event. The length of such an event is usually 1-2 hours, depending on the number of guests and the agreed menu. The prepared dishes are brought to the tables by the staff, although the guests very much like to observe the Chef from close up, so they often wait for their dishes directly at the open kitchen. The live cooking is an added attraction for event participants. Cameras (or phones) go into action and the whole event is remembered for a long time.
We warmly invite you to organise events combined with live cooking, e.g. during conferences in Toruń or various team-building events. For bookings, please contact our marketing department directly:
We are pleased to welcome you!
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