Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń
Hotel Bulwar ****, Toruń


Check-in 21 09 24
Check-out 22 09 24

Best Available Rate

28 of May 2024

Anyone who happens to watch films will no doubt have been enthralled more than once by the Garden Party concept.

An outdoor party is a great idea for a successful evening in summer and early autumn. And you don't have to go to Hollywood to organise it. It will go down fantastically in the Secret Garden of the Bulwar Hotel in Toruń.

Why is it called the Secret Garden? Well, it is located on the eastern side of the Racławice Barracks building and almost invisible from any direction, except from the windows of the hotel rooms. Moreover, it is a very unusual garden: a cascade garden. It consists of several levels of terraces, and from the lowest level you can enter directly into the hotel's basement, including the Bulwar Club . The Club can serve as a ‘plan B’ should a summer storm come suddenly, although of course it is also a great place in itself to host an event, but we will write about that on another occasion.

The garden's location underneath the six-storey hotel building and facing east means that it is in full shade from as early as 1 p.m. Meanwhile, the garden is rampant with greenery, and a variety of shrubs and trees mean that the air in the garden at any time of day is simply... different. It is nothing like the dry city air. You enter our garden and... you are transported to a green oasis.

But let's return to the Garden Party.

On what occasion can you organise a Garden Party? Any occasion! A birthday or any family celebration, an outdoor wedding and party, a banquet to celebrate the opening of an exhibition, the conclusion of a season or a selected period in your business or just for pure relaxation with a group of friends. In the garden we can also prepare for you an outdoor coffee break during a conference, a lunch during a training break or a dinner for the conclusion of a workshop.

Needless to say, we will organise all this for you without disposable junk-vessels, plastic drinks and similar ridiculous items.

For how many people? Up to 150, either standing or seated. The cascading terraces allow for a variety of table settings. If you are planning a concert-type attraction, the upper terrace is ideal for this, as the artists will be clearly visible to the other guests. Also, a DJ party will be most comfortable on this terrace because of the space.

On the lowest terrace, on the other hand, we have built a massive bar from 200-year-old beams preserved from the Racławice Barracks. Next to it there is a barbecue, which can serve as an inspiration for the menu. We will create it for you according to your wishes, because neither your imagination nor ours has any limits.

This is what we have prepared for you: Cascading garden terraces, picturesque lighting, greenery creating a pleasant microclimate, a view of the Vistula River, delicious dishes prepared by our chefs and great service. And invite your guests!

Contact: tel. 519 327 295 tel. 504 035 625


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